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Is it really worth it to cultivate lab-grown diamonds?

11 Mar 2024 0 Comments

  Since diamonds have been mined and processed into luxury items, they have always been a symbol of rarity, beauty, love, and expense. With the continuous improvement of cultured diamond technology, people are more inclined towards affordable prices and cultivated diamonds that are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

  So, are cultivated diamonds really worth it?

  Firstly, it's important to clarify: lab-grown diamonds are also real diamonds.A simpler way to understand it is that lab-grown diamonds are like ice made in a refrigerator, while natural diamonds are ice formed naturally.

  Both lab-grown and natural diamonds are crystals composed of carbon. Natural diamonds undergo millions of years of geological transformations before being mined by humans.

  Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, are created in simulated environments in laboratories and can form within a week or two.

  The image shows raw diamonds: CVD synthetic diamond (left), HPHT synthetic diamond (middle), and natural diamond crystal (right). The edges of the CVD diamond are coated with carbon buildup from the manufacturing process.


  The physical, chemical, and optical properties of both natural and lab-grown diamonds are identical, including brightness, luster, fire, and sparkle. When we refer to 'fake diamonds,' we're mainly talking about cubic zirconia (zirconium dioxide) and moissanite (silicon carbide).


  For natural diamonds, the 4Cs (Carat, Clarity, Color, Cut) are used as standard measures of quality. Lab-grown diamonds can meet these standards completely, and they are indistinguishable from natural diamonds to the naked eye. In many cases, it's also challenging for instruments to detect any differences between them.

  The greatest advantage of lab-grown diamonds compared to natural diamonds is indeed their price. 

  With the same budget, you can acquire a larger and more dazzling lab-grown diamond. Currently, lab-grown diamonds are priced at approximately one-third of the cost of natural diamonds in the market. For instance, while a one-carat natural diamond may cost around 50,000 units of currency, a lab-grown diamond of similar size and quality might cost just over 10,000 units. This makes them more affordable and allows younger individuals to easily fulfill their dream of owning a diamond with a larger carat weight.

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